Registration Fees


Including post docs and RA research staff
Regular Registration
Late Registration


Regular Registration
Late Registration


For industry professionals
Regular Registration
Late Registration
Note: The indicated fees are without GST. A 5% GST will be added during payment.
Registration Information

Registration Steps

  • Register using the form below with your appropriate details.
  • Once completed, all registered participants (or selected participants, if registration exceeds the desired count) will receive an email from CASML organizers with instructions to complete the payment.
  • Registration is only considered successful after the payment has been completed.

Note on Registration for Participants

  • Registration using the form below is mandatory for all conference attendees.
  • Participants can register directly using the registration link provided below.
  • Paper/Poster presenters should submit their work through the submission page. If selected, they can then register for the event to present their work. If not selected, they may still register to attend as participants. In both cases, registration using the link below is mandatory.
  • For multi-author Paper/Poster submissions, only one person should submit the work. However, all selected participants can attend the conference, provided that each participant has individually registered and paid their registration fees.
Important: Please ensure you complete both the registration and payment processes to secure your place at the conference.

Registration Information

Registration for CASML 2024

To register for the conference, please click the button below to access the registration form:

Registration Form
Note: Please ensure you complete the registration form and payment process to confirm your attendance at the conference. The details for payment will be sent to your registered emails.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Can I register as a participant without a paper/poster submission?

Yes, you can register just as a participant without submitting a paper or poster.